Bush and George’s Islands

Bush Island

Also known as: Isle St. Jean

This Island is located at the head of Green Bay & four miles south of LaHave. It probably got its name from its natural vegetation. It was part of a grant of land made to Robert Sloan on September 11, 1761.

Bush Island is connected by bridge to both George’s Island and Bell’s Island.

Government Warf

Bush Island is one of the few islands in the area that still has permanent residents (people who live there all year long). Most of the other island’s houses are abandoned or used as summer cottages. Before 1900 25 homes could be found on the Island. Population in 1956 was 67.

Below are some of the houses found on Bush Island.

Basil and Isabella Bush’s House
Lockland and Elva Tumblin’s House
Wellsley Wambolt’s House

George’s Island

George’s Island is the first island you come to after crossing Crescent Beach. It is now connected to the beach by the road, and connects to Bush Island via the Bridge.

Freeman Richard’s house

Behind the cow in the photograph you can see the Horse Barn on George’s Island. The doctor and ministers used the horse barn when they visited the LaHave Islands. They would keep their horses in the barn while they were ferried around the Islands by boat.

Crescent Beach

Crescent Beach connects the LaHave Islands to the mainland. The beach stretches out from the shore to Georges Island and provides a popular beach destination for tourists throughout the summer.

An old photograph of Crescent Beach, before the road was built along the back of the beach
The beach currently