Uninhabited and Mainland Islands
Bear Island

Bear Island has always been uninhabited. People would go there for recreation but no one has lived there and there are no structures of any importance on the island.
Camp Island

Camp Island has always been uninhabited by people. It was a popular destination for the children of West Dublin and other small towns. They would go out there to play or pick the blueberries that grew there at one time.
Indian Island

Indian Island has always been uninhabited. It is used mostly as a land mark for sailors traveling to and from the islands and surrounding area. The Island is mostly rock and has lots of birds nests.
Rabbit Island

Rabbit Island’s location is unknown, but it is one of the small islands located between Covey Island and Bush Island. (Somewhere within the red circle).
Mainland Islands

The Mainland Islands are a series of small islands located along the coast near the LaHave Islands. They are not officially part of the Islands that make up the LaHave Islands, and because of this the Islanders refer to them as the “Mainland Islands.”
These islands served as homes to people who were not unlike the people on the LaHave Islands. They relied on the fishing industry for income, and the men on those islands would sign on with fishing schooners, cargo ships or take their own small boat out to catch fish that would be processed in the local fish plants.