Lighthouse of the LaHave Islands

The Moshers Island Lighthouse

Moshers Island Lighthouse

The main lighthouse on the LaHave Islands was located on Moshers Island. It has been in operation since 1868 and is still in use today. The first lighthouse on Moshers Island had a fixed red light that could be seen for 8 miles.

Members of the Mosher family ran the lighthouse from its construction in 1868 until 1961 when Melvin Tanner from West Ironbound Island replaced Edward Marshall Mosher. In 1966, the lighthouse became “unwatched” and Ingram Wolfe became the caretaker of the light until 1991.

The old Mosher’s Island lighthouse was replaced in 1989 with a new, more modern building. The new light is a round fiberglass tower that shows a white light 24 hours a day.

Lighthouse Keepers

Below are the names of the known Mothers Island lighthouse keepers from 1868 to 1991.

1868-1873Henry Mosher
1873-1885D. Mosher
1885-1926Samuel Mosher
1926-1944Harry Mosher
1944Erland Risser
1944-1961Edward Marshall Mosher
1961-1964Melvin Tanner
1964-1965Ron McIssac
1965-1966Carl Veinotte
1966-1991Ingram Wolfe

West Ironbound Lighthouse

The West Ironbound Island lighthouse began operation on January 14, 1855. It would flash for 10 seconds and then be dark for 30 seconds after that. The first keeper of the lighthouse was B. Farquar, but he was replaced after a year. Enos Wolfe took over being the first of several members of the Wolfe family to perform the job.

Ingram Wofle was a descendant of Enos Wolfe and after the West Ironbound Island light was made into an automatic light, he became the keeper of the Mosher’s Island lighthouse until he retired in 1991.

Raymond Weagle and Andy Cyril Publicover were both appointed temporary light keepers, but they remained for some time, with Mr. Weagle serving for eight years and Mr. Publicover working there for two years. During this period, there were two light keepers with Melvin Tanner and W.G. Hupman serving at the same time.

In 1987 the lighthouse was replaced with a modern automated shore light. This lighthouse is solar powered, charging its battery in the day and showing a white flashing light at night.

Lighthouse Keepers

Below are the names of the known West Ironbound lighthouse keepers from 1856 to 1966.

1856-1857B. Farquar
1857-1895Enos Wolfe
1985-1910H.M. Wolfe
1910-1932Fred W. Wolfe
1932-1945Fred Albert Covey
1945-1953Raymond Weagle
1953-1955Andy Cyril Publicover
1955-1958Wilbert G. Hupman
1958A.C. Publicover
1958-1961Melvin John Turner
1961-1966Ingram Wolfe

Fort Point Lighthouse

Also known as the “LaHave Light”, the lighthouse at Fort Point was constructed in 1875. Its first keeper was William Palmer but he passed away after only two years of service. His son, Howard, took over for his father in April of 1878 and on May 22 he was officially appointed the new light keeper. Howard would serve as light keeper for 57 years, retiring at the age of 76.

H. Richards was appointed light keeper after serving time in the Navy, and his replacement, Dawson Wilkie was called for military service in 1941 to serve in the Second World War. Dawson’s wife Effie Mae took over responsibilities as the light keeper.

The LaHave Lighthouse was a red light visible for 8 miles. It was a square wooden building painted white. The light was made of one round wick lamp and accompanied by three flat wick lamps. Reflectors were used to help these flames be more visible at night.

An automatic light was eventually installed and the dwelling reserved for the light keepers family was offered for sale in 1964. It now houses the Fort Point Museum, which opened in 1972. The light in the lighthouse was eventually removed but the building still stands as a tourist attraction with the museum.

Lighthouse Keepers

Below are the names of the known Fort Point lighthouse keepers from 1876 to 1941.

1876-1878William Palmer
1878-1935W. Howard Palmer
1935-unknownH. Richards
unknown – 1941Dawson Wilkie
1941 –Mrs. Effie Mae Wilkie