Membership: LaHave Islands Marine Museum Society
Membership demonstrates your desire to support the operation of our museum through paying a small annual membership fee. The cost of membership is only $10.00 per person per year (covering the period October 1 – September 30). Member meetings are normally held on the second Thursday of May to September, at 2pm in the Marine Museum Hall. They are announced here on our website and in the local Newspaper.
Becoming a member of the Museum Society does not result in you having to attend meetings. Also, you are not required to help at events. However, if it is convenient for you to do so, we do hope you choose to get involved in museum operations and events.
*A Tax Slip will be issued for any amount above the required membership dues.
Online Submission & e-Transfer
If you would like to support our museum through renewing your membership or becoming a new member, please fill out and submit the form below.
e-Transfer: In addition to submitting the form, please send the membership fee ($10.00) via e-transfer to:
Alternative Method:
You can also print the membership form by clicking here. The printed form can be filled out, and mailed with a cheque ($10.00) to:
LaHave Islands Marine Museum Society
PO Box 69, LaHave, N.S.
B0R 1C0