Bell, Wolfe, Tumblin, Round, Obie, Knobb, Hens Pimple, and John Himmelman’s Islands

Bell Island

What is known as Bell Island today is actually three older islands that were combined when the road through the LaHave Islands was built. The road now joins Jenkins Island, LaHave Island and Bell Island into one large island known collectively as Bell Island.

Bell Island is home to both the LaHave Islands Marine Museum (left) and Saint John’s the Evangelist church (right).

The bridge connecting Bell Island to Bush Island.

The General Store on Bells Island, operated by Malcolm Bagget. The people of the islands would travel by land if they lived on Bell Island, or boat and dock at the wharf behind the store.

Harold Publicover’s House
John Crab’s Home.
Eric Nillsons House is now there.
John Baker’s House

Wolfe Island

This stretch of water between Wolfe Island and Bell Island is called “Wolfe Gut.” Wolfe Island is on the right and Bell Island is on the left. This picture was taken from Bell Island overlooking Wolfe Gut and shows Jerry Himmelman’s house.
A Wharf found on the Island. This Wharf is similar to many others found in the area.
This was Robert Wolfe’s house, but is now occupied by Vernon Baker.
Here are some other houses found on Wolfe Island. At one point there were 9 families on the Island, 2 of these homes are gone.
James and Jennie Himmelman’s House (right). It is no longer on Wolfe Island. The building on the Left of the photo is still standing on the Island.

Tumblin Island

Originally called Rameo Island.

Picture of a sailboat anchored off of Round Island.
Eldridge Publicover traveling on his boat. Round Island can be seen in the background (circled in red) with the house on it that is no longer there.

Obie, Knobb, Hens Pimple, and John Himmelman’s Island

These are small islands located near Bell Island in Bell Channel.

Obie Island was once inhabited by Obediah (Obie) Simon Himmelman, hence its name.